This week was the start of our tryout process for the 2020-21 season. We started by contacting parents and finding out if they were planning to return to the club and let them know what tryouts would look like this year. Since we decided not to move players down this summer, only up, then they knew that they would at least be at the same level as the previous year. This was meant to simplify things for the families, club and coaches. Then on Thursday the … [Read more...]
#230 The Impact of Mindset on Performance
Welcome to Week Five of Coaching at Home! This week my son and I build a new computer because my old one just wasn't cutting it anymore. I've heard this described as, "Adult Legos". It was a bit cheaper and more specific to my needs to build it rather than buying one off the shelf. We’ll see if you notice a change in the production quality as I get used to using some new tools. It's certainly going to make reviewing video from my Veo easier! It's also going … [Read more...]